Previous Trip Experiences

"You will come face to face with the mighty Presence of God on this trip, you will see His glory, you will experience the power of Holy Spirit, and you will never be the same".

"If you want more of what God has for you come on one of these trips. You will be blessed, encouraged and awed by what you see and get to do".

"The new testament church is still alive and well. The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, and oppressed are set free...and we get to be the church"

“If you want to experience a full immersion in the deep things God is doing in the world today, you HAVE to go to Brazil. God is using Global Awakening there to prepare men and women of God to steward what He is pouring out in the world today!”

"Go. On. This. Trip. You can study, you can read, you can watch YouTube videos, but when you are in the sanctuary applying this knowledge, seeing the power of God move, nothing can compete with that experience. You will return home will sharper skills, anointing, and confidence to move under the direction of the Holy Spirit!"